A digital wallet that transfers fast at no charge!
There is no fee in exchanging Berith Coin using Berith Wallet.
And it tranfers fast, almost real time!
Berith Wallet supports almost all cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Bitcoin, Quantum, NEO and even more!
Berith Wallet is safe from hackers and cyber attacks because it is protected by account password, private key, and security code.
-Multi-wallet system that can manage many wallets under one account.
-Berith Coin transfers right away with no charge.
-Provides wallets for major cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum and Bitcoin.
-Protected by account password, private key, and security code.
-Private Key is generated for each wallet.
-Supports other tokens with Ethereum's Smart Contract.
-Custom members search form and members directories.
-Transactions history per coins.
It provides ICO calendar real time for you to join at once.
-Maintains a complete ICO calendar with current and future token sales all in one place.
-Allows buyers to join ICO right away.
-Verifies and authenticates with KYC.